

Saturday 2 February 2013


In one night, a young man dreamt meeting Rasulullah s.a.w.. Baginda s.a.w not even looked back towards him. Then that man ask , "Ya Rasulullah, are you angry at me?" Rasulullah s.a.w replied, "No".That man asked again, "Then why don't you look back and faced me?" Rasulillah s.a.w. answered, "Because I did not know you". Then that man add, "How come you not know me, I am one or your follower? infact the ulama' had uttered that you know your follower more than you know  your parents." Rasulullah s.a.w replying, "I did not know you because you do not want to remember me by read shalawat. In fact, I recognise my followers depending on their shalawat upon me."

Then that man suddenly woke up from the dream. Then he compel himself by read shalawat 100 times a day. So several days after, that young man dreamt meeting with Rasulullah s.a.w. again, Rasulullah s.a.w said, "Now I know you, and I will give you Syafaat."

– Imam al-Ghazali r.a (Mukashafah al-Qulub)-